
Experience type:
AS Agency Side (working within a design agency)
CS Client Side (working within a company)
FL Freelance (working for a client directly)

Discipline type:
[AW] Artworking (production for print)
[CW] Conceptual Work (formulating ideas for content)
[DP] Design for Print (layout, typography, colour schemes, image sourcing)
[LD] Logo Design (corporate identity and campaign logos)
[PP] Print Purchasing (sourcing, management and delivery of printed materials)

clients worked for

BANS Intruder & Fire Systems (security systems installer)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [LD] [PP]

Civil Nuclear Constabulary (police force)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP] [PP]

Cotswolds Broadband (community broadband group)


Cotswold Business Centre (office space provider)


Cotswold Outdoor (high street retailer)


The Department of Trade and Industry (government department)

AS [AW] [DP] [PP]

Diamond Light Source (science facility)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP]

Digital Workshop (computer software developer)

CS [AW] [CW] [DP]

Down’s Syndrome Oxford (support charity)

FL [AW] [DP]

Emergency Nutrition Network (nutrition charity)

FL [AW] [DP]

Frames Up (film production company)

FL [AW] [DP]

Helen & Douglas House (childrens’ hospice)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [LD] [PP]

Homeless Oxfordshire (housing charity)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [PP]

Indian Pantry (takeaway restaurant)

FL [AW] [DP] [LD]

Kall Kwik (printer)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP]

Locale (web portals provider)

FL [AW] [DP]

Messier-Dowty (aerospace company)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP]

M & S (retailer)


The Mulberry Bush (education charity)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [PP]

National Probation Service (criminal justice service)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP] [PP]

Nigel Lamb Racing (aerobatics team)


Oxford Policy Management (international development consultants)

FL [AW] [DP] [PP]

Oxfordshire BME Community Champions (voluntary organisation)


Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action (voluntary organisation)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [LD] [PP]

Oxfordshire Palliative Care Education Group (education body)


Oxfordshire Stronger Communities Alliance (voluntary organisation)


Oxford University Press (educational publisher)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP]

Oxonica (nanotechnology company)

AS [AW] [DP]

Peebles Media Group (magazine publisher)

CS [AW] [CW] [DP]

Philip Allan Updates (educational publisher)

FL [AW] [DP]

Phynova Group (life science company)

FL [AW] [DP] [PP]

The Pier (retailer)


Premier Inn (hotel chain)


Responsible Oxfordshire Business Involvement Network (voluntary organisation)


RPS Group (environmental consultancy)

CS [AW] [DP]

The Samaritans (counselling service)

AS [AW] [CW] [DP]

The Sixteen (choral group)

AS [AW] [DP] [PP]

Sobell House (hospice)

FL [AW] [DP] [PP]

Sobell Study Centre (adult education centre)

FL [AW] [DP] [PP]

The SMA Trust (research charity)

FL [AW] [CW] [DP] [LD]

Talent Q (psychometric assessments)


Tenpin (bowling alley chain)

AS [AW] [DP]

Unilever (consumer goods company)

AS [AW] [DP]

University of Oxford (research university)

AS [AW] [DP]